Category Archives: 1980s

1980s Autoblography

My 1969 Mini…Guitar and Car!

This is a photo from 1979 outside my folks house in Blackheath, London with my 1969 Mini & 1975 Rickenbacker 480 – can you tell which bands I might have liked?  The Mini was bought for me to learn to … Continue reading

Posted in 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

It was the 3rd of September…that day I’ll always remember!

…to quote another famous song! The full EP ‘Blue Dansette‘ is out today on London Songwriters Recordings! The EP tells a musical story from 60s pop (Blue Dansette) through to 80s Rock (Whiskey A-Go-Go) via 70s New Wave Punk (Summer’s … Continue reading

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